Mega Code Archive

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3) ASP.Net Tutorial
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7) C# Book
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30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
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40) VB.Net Tutorial
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43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
XML Tutorial
1) Introduction
2) Namespace
3) XML Schema
4) Xpath
5) XSLT StyleSheet
XML Schema
1) A book element of our library
2) A character class expression is simply a character group, enclosed in square brackets
3) A fixed number of units can be specified using the length facet
4) A gestation period of about three and a half months
5) A globally defined attribute declaration
6) A ISO date without a time zone
7) A list data type is derived from an atomic data type that allows white space
8) A phone number
9) Adapting the structure of your document
10) All Declarations
11) Allow the document instance author to use the initial element twice
12) Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace
13) Allowing Elements to Appear in Any Order
14) An anonymous simple string datatype for which any one of three literal string patterns (Small, Medium, or Large) are acceptable
15) An element may be named and defined globally
16) An element may be named and defined locally
17) An XML Schema Document Using Named Type Definitions
18) An XML Schema Using Inline (or Local) Declarations
19) An xsd
20) Annotating Schemas
21) Annotations for element tags
22) Annotations provides documentation information, as well as additional application information
23) Any ASCII letter
24) Any single normal character will match only that character
25) As simple content models
26) Attribute declarations have the following format
27) Attribute declarations may also be defined locally within the complexType element
28) Attribute Use
29) Attribute Wildcards
30) Basing Complex Types on Complex Types
31) Bounds facets to keep values limited to a specific minimum and maximum values, regardless of precision
32) Build complexType with complexType
33) By declaring a union, you can validate the values in your instance document against multiple types
34) Cardinality represents the number of occurrences of a specific element within a content model
35) Character classes
36) Choice Declarations
37) Complex type for element with child elements and attribute
38) Complex type with sequence
39) Constrain a data type to be a single constant value
40) Content Models
41) Create global complex types
42) Creating a LocalGlobal Type for Attribute
43) Creating a Schema from Multiple Documents
44) Creating a Set of Choices
45) Creating Elements with Simple Content and Attributes
46) Declaring an Element with a Simple Type
47) Declaring Attributes
48) Default and Fixed Values
49) Define a pattern that can be used for zip codes
50) Define prefixes in the schema for both our target namespace and for the W3C XML Schema namespace
51) Defining Attribute Groups
52) Defining Complex Types
53) Defining Elements to Contain Only Elements
54) Defining Elements to Contain Only Text
55) Defining Elements with Mixed Content
56) Defining Empty Elements
57) Defining Named Groups and Referencing a Named Group
58) Derivation by extension
59) Derivation by restriction
60) Derived by Restriction
61) Derived Datatypes
62) Deriving by Restriction
63) Deriving Custom Simple Types
64) Element based on simple type
65) Element Declarations
66) Element Wildcards
67) Elements content must be greater than (and not equal to) the xsd
68) Elements content must be lower than (and not equal to) the xsd
69) Elements with Anonymous Complex Types
70) Enumerating A Simple Type
71) Enumeration Constrains the value of the data type to a defined set of values
72) Enumeration limits a value space to a specific set of values - if a value isnt specified in the set in the schema, it isnt vali
73) Extend the complex type that we have defined, creating new types for Customer and Employee
74) Fixed Order
75) Fixed Order Optional Elements
76) For an event that occurs on the same day of each month, use xsd
77) FractionDigits defines the maximum number of digits allowable for the fractional part of a datatype derived from decimal
78) Getting rid of leading zeros
79) Getting Started with XML Schemas
80) Global type versus Local type
81) Group Declarations
82) Group References
83) Heres the basic syntactical representation of the key element
84) How we declare attributes
85) How XML Schema allows us to re-use names, and give them different content models
86) If the day is irrelevant, you can specify just the year and month in an element of type xsd
87) Include Declarations
88) Length Defines the number of units of length using a nonnegative integer
89) Length of our list is five
90) List of atoms that match a single character
91) Local and Global Declarations
92) Mark attribute as required
93) MaxExclusive Defines the exclusive upper bound for a datatype with the ordered property
94) MaxInclusive Defines the inclusive upper bound for a datatype with the ordered property
95) MaxLength defines the maximum number of units of length using a nonnegative integer
96) Merge our three patterns into one
97) Meta Characters
98) MinExclusive Defines the exclusive lower bound for a datatype with the ordered property
99) MinExclusive, minInclusive, maxExclusive, maxInclusive
100) MinInclusive Defines the inclusive lower bound for a datatype with the ordered property
101) MinLength and maxLength facets are the minimum and maximum number of units permitted for the data type
102) MinLength defines the minimum number of units of length using a nonnegative integer
103) Namespace Qualification
104) One xml document with two xml schemas
105) Pattern
106) Pattern Constrains the lexical space to literals that must match a defined pattern
107) Pattern for time
108) Pattern syntax
109) Predefining an Attributes Content with a fixed value or a default value
110) Predefining an Elements Content with a fixed value or default value
111) Primitive Datatypes
112) Prohibited attributes in the restriction
113) Referencing Already Defined Elements
114) Referencing Attribute Groups
115) Remember that 19 refers to the 20th century, the years from 1900-1999
116) Require Both Elements or None
117) Requiring an Attribute
118) Requiring Elements in a Mixed Model
119) Requiring Elements to Appear in Sequence
120) Requiring Repeating Sequences of Elements
121) Restrict a list type with the xsd
122) Restrict the data type by restricting its attributes
123) Restrict the length of the code string and the characters
124) Restrict the length of the text node
125) Restricting a type derived from the built-in string type to have a one-character length
126) Restriction specifies values for zero or more constraining facets
127) Restriction types are declared using the restriction declaration
128) Re-use in Text-only Element Content Models
129) Russian Doll and Object-Oriented Design
130) Russian Doll design nest the local element declaration within other schema component
131) Russian doll type element
132) Salami Slice design Define global element declarations that are later referenced
133) Schema Declarations
134) Schema element is the root element within an XML Schema
135) Schema reuse
136) Selector and field elements
137) Sequence Declarations
138) Set attributeFormDefault to qualified
139) Simple and Complex Types
140) Simple Type Definitions
141) Special regex characters (-[]) cannot be used for the single normal character form of the character range
142) Specifies a sequence of zero to nine digits
143) Specifying a Pattern for a Simple Type
144) Specifying a Set of Acceptable Values
145) Target Namespaces
146) The anyURI data type represents a URI reference
147) The base64Binary datatype represents base64-encoded binary data
148) The basic syntactical representation of the keyRef element
149) The basic syntactical representation of the unique element
150) The boolean datatype is used for binary logic (truefalse)
151) The byte data type is derived from the short type
152) The date data mtype represents a calendar date
153) The dateTime data type represents a specific time and date
154) The day and month are not known, and so it makes sense to have an element that only requires the year
155) The decimal data type represents a finite-length sequence of digits separated by a period
156) The double datatype represents a 64-bit, double-precision IEEE floating-point number
157) The duration datatype represents a duration
158) The ENTITIES data type is derived from the ENTITY type
159) The ENTITY datatype is derived from the NCName type
160) The float data type represents a 32-bit, single-precision Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) floating-poi
161) The gDay datatype represents a day of the month that recurs
162) The gMonth datatype represents a Gregorian month that recurs every year
163) The gMonthDay datatype represents a Gregorian date that recurs yearly
164) The gYear datatype represents a Gregorian year
165) The gYearMonth datatype represents a specific Gregorian month in a specific Gregorian year
166) The hexBinary datatype represents hex-encoded binary data
167) The ID datatype is derived from the NCName type
168) The IDREF data type is derived from the NCName type
169) The IDREFS data type is derived from the IDREF type
170) The int data type is derived from the long type
171) The language data type is derived from the token type
172) The list method uses a finite sequence of itemType attributes to derive a new type
173) The long data type is derived from the integer type
174) The minOccurs and maxOccurs attributes can be used with compositors
175) The negativeInteger data type is derived from the nonPositiveInteger type
176) The NMTOKEN datatype is derived from the token type
177) The NMTOKENS data type is derived from the NMTOKEN type
178) The nonNegativeInteger datatype is derived from the integer type
179) The nonPositiveInteger datatype is derived from the integer type
180) The normalizedString datatype is derived from the string type
181) The NOTATION data type represents the NOTATION attribute type of XML 1 0 Second Edition
182) The positiveInteger datatype is derived from the nonNegativeInteger type
183) The sequence compositor allows you to require a sequence for child elements in a content model
184) The short data type is derived from the int type
185) The simple type may be defined globally, as a child of an attribute declaration, or within an element content model
186) The simpleContent element is used if the complex type may only have text content
187) The time datatype represents a specific time that recurs every day
188) The token type is derived by using a whiteSpace value of collapse
189) The union method joins the value spaces and lexical spaces of one or more datatypes to derive a new type
190) The unsignedByte data type is derived from the unsignedShort type
191) The unsignedInt data type is derived from the unsignedLong type
192) The unsignedLong data type is derived from the nonNegativeInteger type
193) The unsignedShort data type is derived from the unsignedInt type
194) The xsd
195) These three characters should be used with caution
196) Time is in military or universal format
197) Time type with timeInstant
198) To declare an empty content model in a complexType definition
199) To import elements and attributes with no namespace, import a schema without any target namespace
200) To limit the accepted URI schemes
201) To match a string of any length (including the empty string) that is comprised exclusively of lower-case ASCII letters
202) To specify the exact length of an element
203) To specify the maximum length of an element
204) To specify the maximum number of times an element or group can appear
205) To specify the minimum length of an element
206) To specify the number of digits in a number
207) To specify the number of digits to the right of the decimal point
208) TotalDigits Defines the maximum number of digits allowable for a datatype derived from decimal
209) TotalDigits, fractionDigits
210) Unicode character classes
211) Use decimal
212) Use float data type
213) Use Integer
214) Use non-negative numbers that are constrained to have only two digits to the right of the decimal point
215) Use nonNegativeInteger
216) Use positiveInteger
217) Use prefixes on the components you are defining and use the W3C XML Schema vocabulary without prefixes
218) Use quantifiers to limit the number of leading zeros-for instance
219) Use the target namespace as the default namespace of the schema document
220) Use xs
221) Useful built-in simple types
222) User-defined character classes
223) User-Defined Data types
224) Using a list declaration, you can base your list items on a specific simpleType
225) Using Substitution Groups to Handle Choice Between Elements
226) Validating a Schema
227) Value Constraints on Attributes
228) Value of an attribute is the same as the value we prescribe in the schema, whether or not the attribute is present
229) Venetian Blind Model
230) When an element contains both child elements and character data, it follows the mixed content model
231) When the values of a union datatype are validated, theyre validated in the order in which theyre defined
232) When the year doesnt matter, but the month and day do, use xsd
233) WhiteSpace Specifies how white space (tabs, line feeds, carriage returns, and spaces) is processed
234) WhiteSpace value=collapse
235) WhiteSpace value=replace
236) XML Schema defines the name vocabulary
237) XML Schema Structures
238) XML Schemas provide a number of built-in simple types
239) You can further express occurrence behavior by using the minOccurs and maxOccurs attributes with either the choice element or t
240) You can use patterns to offer choices for an elements content
241) You dont have to name every custom type
242) You may not set both the default and fixed attributes at the same time